The foundation of our camp's success is the quality of our staff. We pride ourselves on our ability to create a team of amazing staff who are kind, friendly, hard-working, and wonderful role models for our campers. Our staff team is composed of approximately 100 teaching professionals and college students, who work together to shape a community where kids (and staff) can create lasting friendships and memories.
Prior to working with campers, all staff members complete an extensive application and screening process, interview, Criminal Background and Sexual Offender checks (CORI and SORI), and attend all staff trainings.
Flexible Contracts
We will consider staff for less than 8 weeks on a case by case basis. Staff who require full weeks off during the summer for family vacations, or other reasons should include this request on the application and discuss the request prior to contract offers. If you need time off during the summer, we encourage you to still apply so we can discuss your options. We are willing to try and make it work!
We hire experienced staff who love being with kids! Here are some of our positions:
Camp Counselors
All staff are age 17+ and most have completed one or more years of college. We hire counselors for traditional camp and specialty camp.
Head/Lead Counselors
Must be a college graduate with preschool teaching experience or an Early Childhood background.
Activity Heads
Must be college graduates or have equivalent experience.
This position is typically reserved for returning staff who demonstrate exceptional skills but individuals with extensive experience with youth (especially experience with behavior management or special needs) maybe also be hired as a floater.
Summer Directors
Must be 21+ with extensive experience with youth and experience with peer leadership. Our summer directors support our staff and are a liaison between staff and parents.
Swim staff members are a minimum of 16 years old. All swim instructors are lifeguard certified. You do not have to be certified when you apply. Many of our lifeguards get certified after they’ve been hired. We typically run a lifeguard certification course on-site in June.
Nurse/Health Supervisor
We hire 1 to 2 health care supervisors: a Massachusetts licensed physician, physician assistant, certified nurse practitioner, registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, or other person specially trained in first aid.